o the humanity!

the drippy,grayness of the day
kept no one away from the rrcs,
in fact it was the best antidote for
it....all brightness and light seemed
to radiate the event and it was a
real treat to have all my kids there
at the same time...no small feat let me
tell you!

  1. a full house
  2. hannah & me
  3. andy & kate
  4. hannah,tony,sock monkey & sarah
  5. tom & me


sf said...

Looks scrumptiously cozy, luvie! We're snowed all in, again!
Got your package, but put it under the tree!! Something's comin' to your house soon.

Michel said...

Glad it was such a success and that your family was there. You and Tom look like you could be in highschool - almost.
Thanks so much d for the wonderful x-mas compilation CD. I'll be taking it with me to enjoy with my sis in NY.
A merry one to you and yours!