on the cover today!

it is very exciting to be featured in the Lifestyle section of
the st.louis post dispatch and to have my art on the cover!
kathie sutin the writer has become a quick friend,she is a
lovely,truly interested and genuine woman,and sam leone
a longtime stl post photographer was a doll...a wonderful
experience over all! if you like you may read the article here!


Anonymous said...

It is a wonderful article! Congratulations to you and lucky us for having you in our lives!

Peggi Meyer Graminski said...

I truly enjoyed reading the article - it's wonderful that you found such an outlet for your creativity! I was also happy to read about a collage artist from St. Louis =) I grew up in University City, but have lived in Arizona since I was 10 - I still think of St. Louis as "home" though... congratulations on the article, and on your beautiful artwork too.

lindaharre said...

Congrats on the great article. The artwork is wonderful as is the photo of you! You go girl!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yayayayyayay!!!!!!!!! congrats mommy 3!!! i lovies you

tiffini elektra x said...

Oh Denise what a lovely article! Congratulations! Now all of St. Louis and beyond will be as inspired by you as we all are! You are the bomb! It was so cool to read about your process and how everything just took off for you. Wonderful!!

heidi said...

yay you! congrats, girl! you deserve every ounce of the praise being bestowed upon you!


Ellen said...

This is so fantastic........I ran out to get the StL paper and by god, they apparently don't include that section in the Metro Edition! I'll read the article on-line for sure, but certainly hope to get my hands on the real thing sometime!

Anonymous said...

Oh this totally rocks D!! CONGRATS!!! xoxo

Artist in Progress said...

Wonderful, I hope this brings you the exposure you so rightly deserve!

Anonymous said...

AAWWWWWW what a great story miz D
Congrats honey bunnie!!!


Ellen said...

Ask and ye shall receive.....the Lifestyle editor is sending me the entire Lifestyle section! Can't wait to get my hands on it....

ac said...

Congrats on your cover and article! I wear my lovely tag all the time...

Donnaj said...

Hi Denise!

So good to read the article and "reconnect" with you again! I came out to RPS in St. Charles on Sunday bc of the article. Hopefully I'll see you soon. Going out of town this weekend but hopefully I can drive out for the ATC Guild thingy later this month!
Take care!