a surreal spectacle...

....not to be missed!
"glass in the garden"~
chihuly at the missouri botanical garden
i spent the day friday at the garden,in complete & utter awe
of these works by dale chihuly...the installation of these pieces
in the phenomenal surroundings of our amazing gardens is
just breathtaking and really must be seen to be believed...even
then you will pinch yourself in wonder.
just thought you should know!


Ellen said...

O,Denise, thanks for posting this! I absolutely cannot wait to see it!

jenclair said...

Wow! I'd love to stroll through and enjoy this in person.

tiffini elektra x said...

Oh my gosh I some of these pieces in a magazine years ago. How lucky to see it in person!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Chihuly glass in our garden. Saw it again Sunday, and my favorite is the red piece (looks like a heart to me) suspended under a bridge in the Japanese Garden. Thanks for your very lovely photos.

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

a floral patchwork of photos, thanks for letting me wrap myself in it!

Anonymous said...

I love the Chilhuly glass...I saw it in Kew Gardens London England last year. Stunning.