good company monday

monday meeting at corinne's,with pat for an intense
book "building" session...invigorating! using the very talented
and generous jeanne elmers un-journal technique we created
our own in just under two hours,with page "receptacles" for 15,
i have started a few pages! pat has made many gorgeous background
pages (one with her hand holding a devine quote...pat can you put
that quote in the comments please!?) and the one under the images above
are just two of her amazing technique laden inserts! i can't wait to see what
corinne comes up with! thanks,girls for the fun and folly!


Anonymous said...

Hey Denise! the quote is

When we go to a medicine person or healer because we are feeling disheartened, dispirited or depressed, he or she might ask questions like:
when did you stop singing?
when did you stop dancing?
when did you stop being enchanted by stories.

Love ya, Pat.

lindaharre said...

what the quote! i might have to borrow that on occasion:) did you ever get your little easter ditty? i was afraid when rog mailed it that we might have a problem because of the packaging.......let me know:) ~L.

firstborn studio said...

amen,sister pat!
i will use this a a reminder...daily!

Ellen said...

What a good time it looks like you had! Glad you had Pat post the quote--it's a keeper.
