crafty-poo has been tooo long.
my blogging commitment has gone astray.
as have my arting & crafting ways.
with the strange folk festival and
the rock paper scissors 3rd annual bizarre bazaar just around the corner,
it is time for me to renew,resurrect & revive my waning creative commitment.
i got up early this weekend and gathered a pile of fabric scraps,scissors & waxed linen.
since our weather has been very near perfect and i have a comfy chair on my deck,i planted myself outside and set about making a pompom mess aka crafty-poo.
4 hours and 30 pompoms later i think i am on a crafting roll! instead of glazing over in front of facebook as i am want to do,i have taken to going through drawers & bins getting inspired,coming up with a few new ideas...i am off to peruse those piles of wool felt now,see you back here soon!


Michel said...

You made these? I would love to know how. I have so much fabric and not enough ideas. I like the photos of the "debris" after creating.

Sara said...

You go girl....glad you are back in your groove of art making happiness!

The time visiting with you was tooooooo short!