saturday morning surprise!

here i sit,doing my early morning routine...sipping coffee,
doing my morning reading...a much needed meditation
and kick in the pants.then checking e-mail,visiting blogs
and posting when i feel moved.
well!i feel moved to post these images that i just opened
in my e-mail that my dad just sent me...i have never seen
these before and i am loving them! my dad has always been
a photographer,in my eyes far more than amateur,always
developing his own pictures,taking the family to cool places
to find just the right shots and never,i mean never left home
without his camera...and still doesn't to this day.
these images were slides,i'm told,just made into pictures. i am
about 8 years old in these,young i know,but i can recall this day
...we were at forest park and it was a very rare occasion when i
was alone with my parents,i can see that i was revelling in that
....a cherished memory,i never want to lose.
thank~you, you!


Anonymous said...

Oh Denise, you are sooo adorable!
Love ya, Pat.

lindaharre said...

sweet memories.......what a treat!

Erika Tysse said...

Wow Denise, how lucky you are! what a treasure!

Violetswalk said...

Denise, These are wonderful photos! There is such a strong resemblance between you and Hannah!

tiffini elektra x said...

You are adorable Denise! I love these photos!!

Anonymous said...

How lovely it must be for you to see these memories in photo-form for the first time. God bless the shutterbugs.