studio friday [playtime...on monday] corinne's garden & studio!
thanks to corinne for being the
ever patient and giving teacher,
sharing tips and tools to show
me how to carve erasers!and
thanks to my classmate,pat,for
the darling bluebird o' alyssum
and as always the good company!

see more playtime here


Anonymous said...

I am loving this entry....

tiffini elektra x said...

Gorgeous mosaic of pictures! Lovin' that blue bird! How very wonderful your studio friday is. . .

Lain said...

Your carved erasers look great! What type of eraser did you use? I've tried this but haven't had the best success...

The Crafty-Girl™ said...

so much to love in your mosaic; flowers and the carved bird...charming!

Ellen said...

Any time you get to play is fantastic, but when you get to play in someone's luscious Spring garden, well that's heaven on earth!


Judy Scott said...

Fabulous colours I especially love the birds both the blue one and the carved, creating with friends is such brilliant fun!!! Judy x

justjohanna said...

love the photos! and that blue bird planter so darling. and your carved birdie - so fabulous!