are you a HSP? i am

i subscribed to this newsletter awhile ago
after my friend,pat,gave it such a glowing
recommendation...all of these have been right
on the money,but this one has particularly

...truly hit close to home,it is a bit wordy,
but well worth reading...take a minute

"Highly Sensitive Persons "
June 28, 2005
"Dear Denise,
This letter is a bit more difficult to write because it
hits close to home. Apparently 15 percent of the general
population are what psychologists now call
"Highly Sensitive Persons," or HSPs. Among creative types
the percentage is much higher. In part, it's the sensitivity
that makes us creative. Carl Jung suggested that we are
just introverted, shy or depressed. Recent research
indicates that HSPs are genetically programmed to be that
way. Getting rid of the condition would be like changing our
eye colour. HSPs have valuable assets that have traditionally
been given a bum rap by the not-so-sensitive majority. Highly
sensitive persons often grow up feeling they're outsiders.
We are easily hurt, stressed, frazzled and overwhelmed.
The worst afflicted don't like loud noises, crowds, ruckus
or confrontation. We are known to shut doors on others.
On the positive side, we hear, see and feel more, and have
more empathy than regular folks. Often loners, we have
vivid dreams and keen imaginations. So what's the problem?
The trouble is that we often live and work with a sense that we
are flawed. And what we do or create tends also to be seen by
us as flawed. Much of the obsessive perfectionism in art comes
from this source. Also, as HSPs, we tend to withdraw into the
processes of our work. Withdrawal increases sensitivity.
Psychologist Elaine Aron, a leading authority on HSP, and an
HSP herself, says: "We are extra-sensitive when the time comes
to show our work, perform it, explain it, sell it, read reviews of it,
and accept rejection or acclaim." This is a central dilemma for
many artists: "How do I manifest my innate sensitivity in a
not-so-sensitive world?"There are many ways. One of the
handiest is the simple realization that many we interact with
are not so sensitive--dealers and even collectors, for example.
They may not know or admit it, but they couldn't get along
without our sensitivity. They need us. And we need them. A
sensitive person needs to learn how to interact in this lop-sided
world. Humour and playfulness are valuable. So is immersing
oneself in the history of art and artists. The timeless brotherhood
and sisterhood of art (which includes other HSPs) gives us a
sense of community and a philosophic balance. The knowledge
derived from like-minded companionship gives a feeling of
"I'm okay--you're okay." More than that, one finds that the
world needs more HSPs--these days, more than ever.
Best regards,Robert
PS: "There is an aristocracy of the sensitive. They represent
the true human tradition of permanent victory over cruelty
and chaos." (E. M. Forster, "What I Believe")Esoterica: For
the current clickback I've asked Andrew to put up Elaine Aron's
self-test for sensitivity. You can do it yourself in less than three
minutes. I thoroughly recommend her book
"The Highly Sensitive Person." It's a thoughtful and gently
written insight based on her 25 years of counseling and therapy
with artists and others in her San Francisco practice. As well as
HSP facts, health issues, relationship considerations and tips
on following your sensitive bliss, Aron gives solid, no-nonsense
keys to thriving in what so many find to be an overwhelming
world. "


She Talks to Angels said...

hmmmm......I may have to check this book out for myself!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that sure hit home with me, too. That book may be worth checking out. Thanks so much for sharing.

Artist in Progress said...

HSP? Guess that is it in a nuthell. Thanks for sharing!