anders,toby & names for my babies

the babies...andy 22,tony 20 & hannah 15 (july 17th)....
i captured this kodak moment at our family
reunion today,everyone was in rare form,
despite the verry hot,humid day spirits
were high! if you look close you can see
everybody else in andy's circa 70's aviators...
hannah needed to offer a ponytail holder to
tony and tony's shades are hiding a knot &
gash between his eyes from his hockey game
on thursday night....characters these three...
love 'em lots!


firstborn studio said...

if you look really close in andy's shades you can almost see tom!
...hannah WAS a blonde until a few weeks ago...i pay good money to get the hair color she just covered up...go figure!

katie said...

Your family is beautiful, just like you, Denise - they look so happy too!