this was my home in another life...i found this postcard image
in a dusty box at a flea market many years ago,i bought it
and have kept it in a safe place for Heaven knows how long now.
every time i look at it i can't help getting the feeling that i have
been there before....and for a long time.i don't know where it is
exactly,just a faraway place in my memory.
inspiring faraway lands
It looks like a lovely house. The flowers are definitely what you would want around you. Did the postcard say where it was?
wonderful image! warm and cozy feeling:) i am putting a little surprise in the mail for you tomorrow:) keep a look out;}~L.
nancy,the postcard said this...
Bob Burns'Home,
Van Buren,Arkansas
i imagine the second floor window was my art studio...it is a wonderful place to escape to!
Love what you created...so warm feeling and with an ethereal look...just beautiful.
faraway and so close, the places in the heart are like that sometimes.
amazing picture. WOW.....just love it! I'd love to live there!!
beautiful picture.......
This house reminds me so much of my grandmother's home - a place of warmth,comfort and unconditional love! Love your site.... Deb
I can imagine children running over cool green grass on a warm summer day. Birds singing, ice cold lemonade...
It looks like home to me!
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